Monday 22 December 2014

Hotels in Lamu Island Catering to All Segments of Visitors

The Lamu Island is the most exotic destination along the Kenyan coast. This island has a mystic appeal that is easy to feel but, undeniably hard to describe. Actually, the island is a part of the grand Lamu archipelago and has an enriched history – that has been accumulated over the ages. The island is easily accessible both by road and by air. However, if one goes by a car or a bus, one has to take a small boat ride. That is why most tourists prefer to fly straight into the island, which saves much time and complexity.

After getting into the island, the next issue that arises is where to check in. There are innumerable hotels in Lamu Island that cater to all segments of tourists. These apart, there are ample lodges and other accommodation units scattered all around the place. There is really nothing to worry about finding a safe and sustainable lodging destination across the island. Some of the more renowned names in this context include

  • Peponi resort
  • Majlis hotel
  • Kijani hotel
  • Fathuma’s Tower hotel and
  • Kipungani lodge, etc.

However, as a cautionary suggestion, one should keep in mind that the months December, January, July and August are the busiest months of business. If one is really keen to enjoy the unbelievable natural beauty of the region, it is better to avoid the rush that occurs during the months mentioned above.

The town itself reflects an undeniable serenity. Roaming across the city hardly takes a few hours but, it provides ample exposure to the way of life that people lead in this region. There is a museum in the town, which was the official residence of the Governor of Lamu during the colonial era. Experiencing a cruise on the traditional Dhow boats is another exclusive attraction that Lamu offers to its tourists. 

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